Most of us reached north along the start line, achieved a brisk start, with straight forward tacking to Nare Point, a short reach and a generous run to Central.
"Theta" on the left and "Marie Ritchie"
"Bonita" and "Susan J" completed the course, the latter second over the line after a "Kyte" class but third on handicap, being beaten by "Theta" and "Mary Ritchie".
"Marie Ritchie" and "Annabelle"
"Bonita" and "Marie Ritchie"
After showers in our flat, we dinghied to Port Navas YC for the prize giving, where "Bonita" received a prize for being the oldest and farthest entrant. Following this, a splendid and very tasty meal was enjoyed by some 45 old gaffers. This was the 5th OGA Helford Rally and was, as usual a very pleasant well organised event.
After another night aboard, Julie dropped David on "Bonita" and returned ashore with Deirdre, who had to return to Kent.