While there are few boats about at this time of year many seem to be familiar! A motor launch with a blue ensign replaced "Agnes", ahead of us and Mark Woodhouse introduced himself. They are friends of the Shaws, her previous owners. He recalls racing with "Susan J" in Poole, where, apparently, she was referred as the submarine, on account of often being sailed, by Dan, on her ear! They have just retired and are embarking on a cruise towards La Rochelle, from Poole, via L'Aber Benoît, so far. We wish them well.
We sailed and motorsailed towards Douarnenez taking an inside passage past Toulonget. Going the same way, to start with, was this lovely gaff rigged schooner. "La Recouvrance" is 140 foot long, a replica of a nineteenth century dispatch schooner, out of Brest. Unlike us she was using her sails alone.
Jack and Megan had sailed direct to Camaret from Falmouth, outside Ile d'Ouessant, the first leg of a voyage to Greece. On a budget, supplemented by fairing hulls at Pendennis Ship Yard, they acquired her last year and lived aboard at Gweek then Falmouth Marina over the winter, while fitting her out. "Magijean" is a Halcyon 27 recognised as having being moored in the Helford for many years! We wish them fair winds and look forward to following their nascent blog..- onceuponaboat@windycommunity - as her voyage evolves.